Why do we need to store single record in redux?

Storing a single record or a piece of data in Redux is not always necessary or even practical. Redux is typically used for managing the state of an entire application or a significant portion of it. It's designed to centralize and manage the state that multiple components throughout your application might need to access and modify.

However, there can be scenarios where you might want to store a single record in Redux. Here are a few possible reasons.

Global Access: If you have a piece of data that many different components across your application need to access, it can be convenient to store it in Redux. This avoids the need to pass the data as props through a deep component hierarchy.

Consistency: Storing a single record in Redux ensures that all components that need access to that data are working with the same source of truth. Any changes made to that record are reflected consistently throughout your application.

State Management: If the single record needs to be updated or modified by different parts of your application, using Redux can help manage state changes, ensuring that updates are controlled and predictable.

Middleware and Actions: If you want to perform specific actions or side effects when the data changes, Redux's middleware system provides a structured way to do this. For example, you might want to log changes, trigger network requests, or update other parts of the application in response to changes in this single record.

Storing a single record in Redux can be beneficial for several reasons:

However, it's essential to consider whether using Redux for a single record is the right choice for your specific use case. If the data is truly local and only needed within a specific component, it might be overkill to use Redux, and you could manage the state within the component's own state instead. Redux is most beneficial when you have complex state management needs that involve multiple components and actions across your application.